Our Services
We provide two main types of services: testing services and consultation services. We also offer other services i.e. nutrient budgets, specific client requests etc.
Testing Services
Our testing services comprise Soil Tests, Plant Tests, and Soil Biology Tests.
Most Soiltech soil and plants tests are analysed at RJ Hill Laboratories offering:
- Fast turnaround times
- Efficient reliable service
- Comprehensive testing second to none, with extra options for the particular crop/pasture concerned.
Microbiological and some other tests are analysed at other laboratories.
For an example of the way we present test results:
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Why Soil Test?
There is much debate on the merits or otherwise of soil testing. The answer to the above question is better understood in the light of the following question:

Why do we fertilise?
- to increase plant growth and "quality"
- to rectify nutrient imbalances
- to maintain and/or increase the productive potential of the soil
- to replace nutrients that are removed by crops and/or stock
- in short to make money and continue making money
Soil tests are a useful way of providing the information required to enhance productivity. In essence:
- They provide information on what the soil actually needs
- They prevent unnecessary application of nutrients the soil doesn't need
Whilst a soil test does have limitations and is often usefully complemented by a plant or microbiological test, never the less, there are many occasions when it is not possible or helpful to undertake the latter tests.
A comprehensive soil test can help achieve these objectives in the following ways:
- provide information on what the soil actually needs
- prevent unnecessary application of nutrients that the soil doesn't need
- show target soil nutrient levels for the particular stock/crop grown
Consultation Services
To complement our testing services, we offer a range of consultation services. We appreciate that it often takes more than a test, interpretative report and fertiliser recommendation to get a soil functioning at an optimal level.
Our consultation services are designed to give you a "helping hand" by working with you to help you monitor your soil and make the improvements to the way it functions which will help you to get the most productivity from your soil.
We offer a range of different on-site and telephone based services, to cater for different requirements and in recognition of the fact that clients are often at some distance from our Christchurch base.
The Benefits of Ongoing Consultation
As we work with you, and become more familiar with your soil and farming conditions, we are able to offer more "in-depth" advice and assistance on how to optimise your soil. In like manner, as your general knowledge increases and you become better equipped, you will grow in your ability and confidence to make better long term decisions about your soil.
What are the Benefits of Using Soil Consultancy Services?
Most New Zealand topsoil contains in excess of $5000 worth of nutrients/hectare. For a 200 hectare property, this conservative estimate of nutrient value equates to $1,000,000! If you had that amount of cash available, you wouldn't want to leave it "just sitting there," you'd want to put it to good use. In the same way, our consultancy services are an investment on your behalf to help you to maximise the returns from your soil resource.
Other Services
We also provide additional services as requested by clients.
Please feel free to contact us if you require assistance with any matter which is not already covered in our Testing and Consultation Services. |